Feed your hair quite, and treat it right, as it is rightly said, " Life isn't perfect, but your hair can be...."
In continuation to my last blog, let's understand some more aspects of haircare and wind up this most coveted topic.
There are four types of hair :
• Straight hair
• Wavy hair
• Curly hair
• Tight-curly hair
Before getting to haircare routines, to have a healthy and lush hair, it's important to understand how our hair growth happens.
We have hair growth on different parts of our body, and the hair grows from the roots on the skin, and on head, it is called the scalp, and below the roots, there is this invisible part, having a length of 4mm, buried beneath the scalp, in a small tube, which is called the follicles. When new hair growth happens, it pushes out from the root, and out of the follicle, through the skin, where it can be seen. The external par of the hair is called the cuticles.
It is the most natural procedure, a body functioning, unless there are factors which are hindering the growth of hair, resulting in all kinds of hair concerns.
Without any doubts, our scalp health is the most important factor which is responsible for the quality of our hair.
And a healthy scalp health is achieved and maintained by healthy hair habits.
So let's get to knowing some basic haircare habits straightaway :
• Hygiene - keeping it clean, using the right kind of shampoo, pertaining to your hair type, as well as, if there is other scalp condition, such as dandruff, dermatitis etc. The scalp should be rid of any external layers, clean, breathing and allowing hair growth. If it is blocked due to any skin condition, it will not allow hair-growth, resulting in poor hair health. Also not to forget, using a sulphate-free shampoo will definitely add up to a healthy scalp health, giving healthy hair.
• Feed your hair correct - which is eating a healthy diet, that consists of proteins, omega fatty acids, vitamins etc. As I mentioned in my previous blog, everything in hair is inside-out, therefore feeding our body right is synonymous to feeding our hair right. If the body is devoid of any nutrient (can be due to many reasons, age, health conditions, type of food, food habits etc.) one can always add multi-vitamins in one's routine diet, only after consulting an experienced professional help( dermatologist/physician).
• Protection from heat - It can be both, natural as well as machine appliances. When going out in strong sun, for longer hours, it's always advisable to cover the head. Minimizing the use of heat appliances, and when using occasionally, protect the hair with heat protection serum/spray always. For hair wash, normal temperature water is ideal for perfect cuticle health.
• Moisture and seal - Moisturization is very essential, using a hair-pack, to keep hair hydrated and nourished. Use of home-made packs, as well as readymade pack from authentic, natural haircare brands will do the works.
Home-made packs made out of avocado, aloe-Vera, eggs, curd etc. works wonders for hair hydration.
Whereas there are several readymade packs available, which provide ample moisturization to the hair, your pick depends on your choice, based on use and trial and how effective it turns out for you.
Sealing is important, to make sure that the moisturization is intact and will stay for longer. It should be the last ritual, and any good serum/light-weight oil is appropriate for this function.

• Wear protective style while sleeping - As I mentioned before, be gentle with your hair, therefore make sure while sleeping your pillow covers are clean and soft in texture ( preferably satin ). It's advisable for people having curly hair, to wear a bonnet when sleeping. It will safeguard the hair from breakage.
• Massage - It is vital, a warm-oil massage is divine for hair and scalp health, as well as for the mind and overall wellness. Promotes blood circulation, activating the pores, allowing breathing and hydration, calming the mind and body, giving various benefits.
• Exfoliation - Like oiling, exfoliation is also very essential, which most of us are not aware of. Along with blood circulation, it removes dead cells from the scalp, allowing it to renew with new cell generation, increasing hair growth.
Summing up these good and healthy hair habits, which can easily be acquired in one's routine, I would like to stress upon the most important factor for everyone, irrespective of gender, is to lead a healthy and disciplined lifestyle.
Stress is an integral part of life, but having a healthy and balanced approach to handle the stress will keep us in overall good state.
Emphasizing on the natural ingredients for haircare rituals, incorporating the usage of onion juice, gooseberry (amla), green-tea, beer, rice-water, aloe-vera, and so on and so forth, will definitely keep your hair in good shape for years to come.
Use of products that has De-panthenol in them will definitely make them healthy, bouncy, giving more density and softness.
Regular use of masks made out of herbs will provide nourishment to hair. Moringa hair mask by PBP is a good example of one such treatment, consisting primarily of moringa, fenugreek, bhringraj, reetha and amla. This mask nourishes the roots, fights hair fall by removing the build-up on scalp, enhancing blood circulation, in return boosting hair-growth and infusing life in dull hair.
The Good Hair Day after-wash mask by PBP, is an excellent remedy for dull, dry and rough hair. It can be used after-wash, as well as can be applied on scalp for exfoliation, adding some sugar, 20 mins. before head wash. Slight circular massage by fingertips will do the exfoliation, renewing the scalp and making hair soft and nice.
There are innumerable ways and sources available for haircare, it just needs our time and dedication to start taking care of our mane, to have our crown set and shining.
With this I end this very important and favorite topic, but not without sharing my parting words, and they are :
As overall health of the hair depends 70% on a person's diet, 25% on genetics and 5% on grooming.
So, eat well, treat well, and have a good hair day.
Very informative
Now-a-days to keep natural hair with simple hair routine is very difficult. There are people who unnecessarily use lots of products on thier scalp and results are also not great. For me it’s always two or max.three products. I’m very impatient when it comes to my hair care routine. I don’t feel like giving my hair more than 15 minutes when it comes to hair wash day. For this understanding, I know my hair/scalp type and what hair products suits me. Apart from the products diet plays a major role for good hair and skin. We all just need to have basic knowledge and understanding of how to keep our hair healthy and shine with minimal process and this journey definately helped me.
Thanks for sharing
Wonderful information
Hair care and products
Pure by Priyanka products are amazing
The onion Hair oil is too good 👍
Topic was lengthy..but quite informative n interesting.. exfoliation is important. Which we dont do. Thx for the great blog priyanka
Topic was lengthy..but quite informative n interesting.. exfoliation is important. Which we dont do. Thx for the great blog priyanka